String  Affiliate Compensation Program

Modern advertising makes it difficult to discern between differing levels of instrument quality. Our instrument affiliates select, audition, and represent our instruments within their community.

These affiliates do quality work for our shop and the purchaser, and we pay them for it.

String Affiliate Policies, Procedures, and Responsibilities

These policies and procedures have been carefully designed to make being a String Affiliate easy and worth while.
The policy of Ferguson Violin Shop is to be upfront with purchasers concerning our relationship with our string affiliates.  We have found that openness concerning the work our affiliates do in selecting, auditioning, and representing our instruments, creates a sense of trust rather than bias. Potential purchasers always appreciate honesty and frankness.

Purchasers that are made aware of our affiliate stipend will not base their purchase solely on the recommendation of their friend and teacher.

Our open affiliation frees the teacher or string player from any under-the-table partiality. This allows them to best represent the purchaser.

Additionally, people would much rather work with a close friend, private teacher, or a trusted associate than a salesperson.

Our string affiliates are not required to invest or otherwise pay any any money to begin working for Ferguson Violin Shop.  They do receive a commission for each instrument purchase they represent. This commission is a percentage (usually 10%) based upon the amount of the sale minus any trade-in.  Commissions are paid within two weeks of receiving payment from the purchaser.  String Affiliates who wish to get more involved may qualify for a larger percentage.

String affiliates are not held responsible to cover any of our guarantees. They are outside consultants hired by Ferguson Violin Shop to represent the shop and make recommendations to members of the community seeking their instrument expertise.

Our string affiliates do not set the price on instruments. If the affiliate feels that a price change is needed they must first contact Ferguson Violin Shop.

It is important to note that even though the affiliate represents the instruments, the transaction still occurs between the purchaser and Ferguson Violin Shop. This ensures that the transaction is covered by our 100% Satisfaction Pledge. 
The String Affiliate may lend out (usually for one week) the instruments from Ferguson Violin Shop to potential buyers, and is not responsible for damage or theft of lent out instruments as long as communication is maintained with Ferguson Violin Shop concerning who has been lent an instrument.  The potential buyer's contact information must be provided to Ferguson Violin Shop when the instrument(s) leaves the possession of the String Affiliate.  Ferguson Violin Shop may at any time and for any reason request back the instrument(s) and the String Affiliate is responsible to send them back or otherwise deliver them to Ferguson Violin Shop at the expense of Ferguson Violin Shop whenever asked to do so by Ferguson Violin Shop.  The String Affiliate will be held responsible for any and all instruments considered by Ferguson Violin Shop to be in his or her possession.

If you do your research you will see just how much we have to offer you at Ferguson Violin Shop. Not only are our prices great, but our 100% satisfaction pledge and lifetime repair warranty are unbeatable. Our pledge lasts as long as the buyer owns the instrument.

We are a true String Shop – It’s all we do. We play, teach, and sell only stringed instruments. It is what we know and enjoy. Rather than shop at an instrument super market, come experience a true violin shop.

Support Your String Habit!

Be A Paid String Affiliate; Represent Ferguson Violin Shop Within Your Community.